
The roots of JuuriJuhla-RotFest are in the pelimanni folk music of Espoo. But the branches are openminded and reach out for all kinds of music. Among the performers at JuuriJuhla are both pelimanni players from Espoo as well as top level Finnish folk musicians, many already with international merits. 

The first JuuriJuhla-RotFest was held in 2003 by the name Kevät Soi! , In 2004 the name was changed to JuuriJuhla-RotFest. The main venue of the festival is the Sello Hall, but JuuriJuhla-RotFest wishes as well to bring out folk music to magnificent and different venues like old mansions, churches and organization houses. Folk music for children has been an important part of the JuuriJuhla program since the start, as well as the folk music of Swedish-speaking Finland. 

The JuuriJuhla-RotFest -association was founded in 2007. Until then JuuriJuhla was arranged by the Finnish Folk Music Association.  


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Espoon kaupunki, Musiikin edistämiskeskus MES, KonstsamfundetTaiteen edistämiskeskus, Viro-instituutti