24.3.2025 at 18 and 28.3.2025 at 12 HoivaPelimannit Maria Kalaniemi & Elina Leskelä

HoivaPelimannit Maria Kalaniemi and Elina Leskelä present their activities. Come get to know and enjoy their music! Mon 24.3. at 18 Sello libraryFri 28.3. at 12 Entresse library Free entry Free entrySello library
Mon 31.3.2025 at 19 Opening Consert: Väsen-Duo, Maria Kalaniemi & Timo Alakotila

JuuriJuhla-RotFest’s opening concert.Maria Kalaniemi with her friends Anna-Kaisa Liedes, Timo Alakotila and Mauno Järvelä. In the opening concert of JuuriJuhla, you will hear beautifully delicate atmospheres, from Maria Kalaniemi’s solo singing to Kuuttare’s jewelry, where singer Anna-Kaisa Liedes leads the listener into magical Kalevala atmosphere accompanied by Maria’s accordion. Atmospheric coral tones change to an […]
Wed 2.4.2025 at 7 p.m. Espoo’s folk music jubileum consert

The 150th anniversary of Espoo’s folk music! Espoon kansanmusiikkikilta, Leikarit and Espoo’s pelimanns turn 50 years old. Espoon kansanmusiikkikillan pelimannit, Kesäpelimannit, Meiskarit, Leikarit, HoivaPelimannit and Espoon pelimannit in a party atmosphere.Bring your dancing shoes! The duration of the concert is 2 hours. Thorstorp, Vanha maantie 12, 02600 Espoo Tickets 17 / 13 + order fee […]
Tue 1.4.2025 at 13.30.-15.15 Afternoon dances – Espoon pelimannit

Dances to the beat of Espoon pelimannit. The foyer in the Sello Hall will be filled again from happy dancers! Café open Free entry Sello Hall foyer
3.4.2025 at 12 HoivaPelimannit Maria Kalaniemi & Elina Leskelä

HoivaPelimannit Maria Kalaniemi and Elina Leskelä present their activities. Come get to know and enjoy their music! Free entryLippulaiva’s library, Salonki
Thu 3 April 2025 at 7 pm Kelavala -Kela-Pohjonen-Laitinen, release consert of Maija Pokela’s soloalbum

Kelavala is a unique group in the Finnish performing arts scene. This trio does not consist of a separate dancer and two accompanying musicians, but three independent performing artists. Combining improvised music and dance has resulted in hundreds of one-of-a-kind performances, that have lasted from a few minutes to twelve hours. During its 30-year history, […]
Fri 4.4.2025 at 7 pm Wimme & Rinne: Lodderáidalasan – In the Milky Way. Album release concert

Ancient joik and modern soundscapes encounter thus creating universal, contemporary music. This is Wimme & Rinne. Wimme & Rinne have been travelling through sound and time for almost three decades, bringing the ancient Sámi joiking tradition, invoking the spirits of nature, plants, animals and humans, into contact with modern electronic soundscapes, releasing several essential albums […]
Sat 29.3.2025 at 11-15 Pilpatussoitto of Espoon Kansanmusiikkikilta

Lippulaiva’s library: At 11-15 o’clock Folk music groups from the Helsinki region are performing in Lippulaiva’s library Sello Library: At 13-14:30 o’clock JuuriJuhla-club: Timo Alakotila & Maria Kalaniemi, Jussi Tarkkanen Combo Free entry
Sat 5.4.2025 at 7 p.m. JuuriJuhla-RotFest closing conert: Gjermund Larsen Trio (NO)

Change of programme! The performer of the closing concert has changed! Gjermund Larsen Trio from Norway will replace Suistamon Sähkö. Lippupiste is in contact with those who have already bought a ticket. Tickets for the Gjermund Larsen Trio concert are already on sale!! Gjermund Larsen is one of Norway’s most beloved folk musicians. With his […]