JuuriJuhla - RotFest 2024



Mari Kalkun

While Mari makes use of traditional texts and musical motifs from the folk tradition, her range is wider than Võrumaa and Kihnu, where her parents are from. For instance, the album Tii ilo (The Beauty of the Road) which was created by Mari together with her Finnish band Mari Kalkun & Runorun, also featured parts of Livonian and Votic folk songs. Furthermore, Mari Kalkun is the first Estonian musician whose album – this Tii ilo – has been nominated for a Finnish ethnomusic award. She is also one of few Estonian musicians to have built her identity on singing in local native language. “Languages are like nature – fragile ecosystems,” she says. It’s a central message in her music.







Estonian Trad.Attack! breaks the rules and genre boundaries to create their own style – TRAD-POP-ROCK. The album Make Your Move demonstrated the pure power of the three band members. Deeply rooted in spells from a long-forgotten time, the album is full of magic and empowerment.
While realising their huge musical ambition, Trad.Attack! also pursues a masterplan – to play in every country of the world. Trad.Attack! has reached every continent and performed at significant festivals such as the Woodford Folk Festival (Australia), Womad (UK, Chile), Rainforest World Music Festival (Malaysia), Vancouver Folk Festival (Canada) and Womex showcase festival. 
Back home in Estonia, Trad.Attack! blasted into the scene and has been revolutionising it ever since. Having won a whopping 21 music awards, including best band and best album.




Panu Savolainen & JPP

There is no shortage of svengi when our country’s most legendary folk music group JPP joins forces with the better-known jazz vibraphonist Panu Savolainen. The repertoire, which combines jazz improvisation and the Kaustian violin playing tradition, which is also listed on the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage, consists of Panu Savolainen’s more recent compositions as well as JPP’s classic pieces as well as the Charlie Parker repertoire, which will be implemented in 2020.


The MeNaiset singing group was born in the folk music department of the Sibelius Academy in the fall of 1992. The members of the group are extensively familiar with the vocal music of Finland, our ethnic groups and neighboring regions.
MeNainte’s music combines the songs of the Finno-Ugric peoples, new compositions and arrangements, and sound improvisation. The concert will feature Finnish, Estonian, Viennese-Karelian, Inger, Mordovian and Vepsa traditional and adapted songs, laments and spells, as well as MeNainte members’ own compositions.

The singers in the MeNaiset group are: Eila Hartikainen, Maari Kallberg, Anneli Kont, Sirkka Kosonen, Anna-Kaisa Liedes and Outi Pulkkinen.

Pelkkä Poutanen


Pelkkä Poutanen is an experimental musician mixing different folk traditions and classical, electronics and roots music, art pop, noise and vocal music.

Her solo debut album ’Pyhä veri vuotaa’ (Eclipse Music, 2022) has been nominated for Teosto-award, which is one of the biggest art prizes in Scandinavia. It was also nominated for Etno Emma -award. This album contains folk music with a very modern twist and influences from around the world. The thread tying everything together is the concept of the sacred, including showing how the sacred sometimes turns into something quite absurd. Songlines wrote ”…it’s enticing, haunting, mesmerizing, spiritual and hypnotic” and put one song to it’s own release ”The 10 Best New Albums From Around the World” in April 2022.
Poutanen has been described as an earthquake, a big bang, hypnotic, insightful and original. Her background in music is broad and her music speaks out.
She is known for an acrobatic voice that includes techniques from Scandinavian and Finno-Ugrian folk singing to techniques of throat singing. She is mixing various international folk traditions, electronics, classical and roots music, art pop, noise and vocal music to create exciting new soundscapes.



Maija Kauhanen

MAIJA KAUHANEN – An expressive voice, deep-rooted kantele and inventive percussion. 

Weaving together polyrhythms and organic beats, Maija Kauhanen creates unique soundscapes and compelling grooves.
Maija Kauhanen is a Finnish kantele virtuoso, singer, and multi-instrumentalist as well as a talented composer and lyricist. She is known to be a charismatic performer with an entrancing stage presence. As a solo artist, she plays self-penned music as a one-woman orchestra simultaneously playing the kantele, percussion, and singing on top. The music Maija Kauhanen plays as a solo act is all composed by her, but the foundation of her music is deeply rooted in Finnish folk music. Weaving her kantele playing together with her versatile singing voice, poly-rhythms, and the organic beats of percussion, she creates unique cinematic soundscapes and compelling grooves.

Youtube: Linnunrata (Live)
Youtube: Käärme (Snake) Official Music Video 2022


Flamenco Duo Murtola & Widenius

The Finnish flamenco music duo is a mutual project of two prominent Finnish artists,  flamenco singer Anna Murtola and flamenco guitarist Joonas Widenius. In their concerts, some of the deepest and most profound tones of the traditional Spanish flamenco are met with lighter ballads where the singer’s nuance rich voice joins in a conversation with the virtuosic rhythms of the flamenco guitar. Both artists draw inspiration also from their own northern roots that lie in Northern Finland, creating new and unique Nordic flamenco. The long mutual journey of these musicians has tied their musical communication together into tight rhythms and touching expressions, typical for flamenco. Both musicians are also recording artists and developers of their own Nordic Flamenco sound.  


Anna Murtola (born in 1983 in Oulu, Northern Finland) is the northernmost flamenco singer in the world. Considered as one of the pioneers of flamenco singing in Finland, the singer has found her own strong voice as an interpreter of this passionate Spanish tradition. For more than two decades, the singer has immersed herself in the world of flamenco. Murtola is also known as a versatile and charismatic performer who is constantly reaching out across genre and culture borders. Her new album, La Tierra Blanca (Nordic Notes, 2023) combines the northern landscape and mindscape with the Spanish flamenco tradition.


Joonas Widenius (born 1980, Tornio, Finnish Lapland) is a Finnish flamenco and fusion guitarist. He is considered to be one of the most successful flamenco guitarists in Finland. 

Widenius’ music is based on the flamenco guitar, but his distinctive tonality is constantly influenced by his surroundings. Influences can come from northern nature, jazz or, for example, the folk music of his home country. His distinctive style has earned a warm welcome from both the critics and the audiences. Widenius, who performs actively with his various line-ups, travels around to play, compose and to accompany dancers, singers and performances.




Maria Kalaniemi

Accordionist Maria Kalaniemi is an internationally top-level musician and, in addition, a talented, distinctive composer.

Maria Kalaniemi is an artist who has developed her own very personal expression from many musical styles. She has become one of the most respected musicians in our country. The lyrically sensitive and intense playing style created by Kalaniemi has gained a loyal audience in different parts of the world. Her playing style has been aptly described as Finnish accordion fado. In 2024, she will celebrate her 60th anniversary. www.mariakalaniemi.fi/



Espoon Pelimannit

Espoon pelimannit – Esbo spelmanslag is a good-humoured and presentable folkmusic band from Espoo, whose groovy playing style is well known even outside the metropolitan area. The group is in great demand as a dance orchestra at various events, and the atmosphere goes through the roof.
The orchestra has all the key instruments used in folk music. The beat is guaranteed by multiple violins, accordions, clarinets, mandolins, guitars, contrabasses, and drums. The band consist of about 20 artists but when needed smaller ensembles can be arranged.


JuuriJuhla-RotFest -association runs a systematic and participatory cultural project with the elderly. Activities in nursing homes are run by two music professionals, Maria
Kalaniemi and Elina Leskelä, and there is also expertise in therapy work and experience working with the elderly. Maria Kalaniemi and Elina Leskelä have such solid experience and extensive joint repertoire that audience can also hope for their own favorite songs.



Wed 3.4.2024 at 7 P.M. Melkutus

The stage of the Sello hall is filled with children and young people from four different music colleges. There will be the joy and exhilaration of folk music with the power of over 100 players: together and separately. Music Institute...

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Sat 6.4. at 12-15 Pilpatussoitto of Espoon Kansanmusiikkikilta

Folk music groups from the Helsinki region are performing. SELLO LIBRARY at 12 Kuokkavieraat choirat 12.30 EMO´s childrec choir Hepulit and Sekamelskalaisetat 13.15 Kansantanssiryhmät Tanhu-Ruha and Espoon Kansantanssijatat 13.45 Matti Reittamoat 14.15 Kesäpelimannit ISO OMENA LIBRARY at 12 Espoon pelimannitat...

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Pakilan musiikkiopiston, Käpylän musiikkiopiston ja Musiikkiopisto Juvenalian kansanmusiikin opiskelijat esiintyvät omassa konsertissaan. Vierailijana konsertissa Maria Kalaniemi ja Timo Alakotila

Liput 10/5 €, ennakkomyynti juvenalia.mycashflow.fi


PolskaPandolfi -konsertissa barokkiviulisti Kreeta-Maria Kentala ja cembalisti Tea Polso yhdistelevät veret seisauttavia eteläpohjalaisia polskia ja villejä Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Meallin sonaatteja.
Espoon tuomiokirkko
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PolskaPandolfi -konsertissa barokkiviulisti Kreeta-Maria Kentala ja cembalisti Tea Polso yhdistelevät veret seisauttavia eteläpohjalaisia polskia ja villejä Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Meallin sonaatteja.
Espoon tuomiokirkko
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Espoon kaupungin 50-vuotisjuhlavuoden kunniaksi Espoon kansanmusiikin juhlakavalkadi näyttää espoolaisen kansanmusiikkitarjonnan runsaan, värikkään ja monipuolisen tarjonnan laidasta laitaan!

Mukana on valloittavat kanteletaiturit Kardemimmit, akrobaattisen ja herkän improvisoivaa kansantanssiin perustuvaa koreografiaa ja musiikillista virtuositeettia tarjoava Polskatroikka, tansanialaistyylisiä lauluja esittävä Pole Pole sekä Espoon pelimannit levynjulkistuskeikallaan. Konsertin loppuhuipennuksena esiintyy tätä konserttia varten espoolaisista kansanmusiikin ammattilaisista koottu JuuriJuhlan juhlaorkesteri Maria Kalaniemen johdolla.
Liput 20/15 € + toimitusmaksu (alk. 1 €), Lippupiste: www.lippu.fi/artist/juurijuhla/

Rosoa ja rakkautta Pohjanmaan lakeuksilta

Kansanmusiikin sielun veljeksi tituleerattu Antti Paalanen (s. 1977) on keikkaillut viime vuosina sooloartistina laajasti ulkomailla, mm. Japanissa, Kanadassa, Venäjällä, Ranskassa, Sveitsissä, Itävallassa, Alankomaissa, Virossa sekä Pohjoismaissa. Paalasen hurjan musiikin välineinä ovat suomalaisesta kansanmusiikista tutut vähäriviset hanurit. Perinteestä innoituksensa saanut Paalanen on kuitenkin luonut täysin oman musiikkimaailmansa, jossa traditioon sekoittuu transsinomainen minimalismi, elektronisen tanssimusiikin hypnoottinen poljento, siperialaisen kurkkulaulutyylin tuomat jylhät äänimaisemat sekä modernin äänitekniikan hallittu ja oivaltava käyttö.
ENKEL on perinnettä kunnioittava ja muita kumartelematon pelimannityttöbändi, jonka ohjelmisto koostuu hittikappaleista aina 1800-luvulta 2020-luvulle asti. ENKELissä yhdistyvät luova hulluttelu ja syvä kunnioitus perinnettä ja omaa pelimanniutta kohtaan – ENKELissä jokainen on supersankari omalla laillaan. Yhtye käyttää ennakkoluulottomasti hyväkseen epätavallisen instrumentaationsa (kaksi 2,5-rivistä haitaria, kantele, viulu) kaikkia mahdollisuuksia ja viimeistelee sointinsa milloin kauniisti yhteen soivalla ja milloin tarkoituksenmukaisesti dissonoivalla laulullaan.
Liput 20/15 € + toimitusmaksu (alk. 1 €), Lippupiste: www.lippu.fi/artist/juurijuhla/

Esiintymässä pääkaupunkisedun kansanmusiikkiyhtyeitä.
Ison Omenan kirjaston Stage
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JuuriJuhla-RotFestin päätöskonsertti
Pauanne keinuttaa kuulijansa matkalle, jossa musiikin aikakaudet sulautuvat luonnollisesti toisiinsa. Viulu, Hammond-urut sekä erilaiset akustiset ja elektroniset lyömäsoittimet luovat osaltaan ajattoman tunnelman. Pauanne puhuu kansanmusiikin kieltä modernilla aksentilla siten että traditio taipuu meidän vuosituhannen ihmisten ymmärrettäväksi.
Aija Puurtinen & Brooklynin satu vie musiikin keinoin aikamatkalle amerikansuomalaiseen siirtolaisuuteen ja sen mielenmaisemaan. Tarjolla on akustisesti ja puoliakustisesti toteutettua, sekä suomeksi että ”fingelskaksi” esitettyä, voimakkaasti suomalaisesta ja amerikkalaisesta kansanmusiikista ammentavaa epookkia. Mausteena on folkia, bluesia ja jopa jamaikalaisia aineksia.
Liput 20/15 € + toimitusmaksu, Lippupiste: www.lippu.fi/artist/juurijuhla/